Friday, July 25

Design 111 Project Model

The joint. This is my favourite design project from last trimester because it gave me a chance to be really creative, and design something different. The project involved taking a joint of the body and abstracting its movements to create a diagram that traced these movements. I was given the knee, and from this I developed quite an unusual diagram, based on the photos I used for inspiration. Making a model of this was exciting, I used plaster, metal and wood, and I had fun making it! To reinforce the idea of the diagram, I drew this on to the surface of the plaster. I think that this model and drawing set was successful as there was a strong connection between the two.

Cuba Street - A Real Life Network

Such an interesting range of buildings! This image is about the idea of 'disjointed architecture' and the interaction of people within it.

A Process - Campus to Campus

I have used the idea of a journey as my process, from the school of design to the main campus in Kelburn. This is something I have to do most days.

Online Activity - A Review

I found that posting comments on other blogs within the 112 social network to be very beneficial. It was great to see what others thought of my work and which parts were the most successful, and also that other people could understand the ideas behind the project. Comments I placed on other blogs were always positive about the work, and I always commented on blogs which I saw that had a strong link to the theme of design and that this was evident in all of their posts. Examples of these comments can be seen on the student blogs which I researched in my inspiration post!